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  • Writer's pictureAndrew Ivanchenko

Сhapter from the book "A Doctor's Notebook" (PANACEA)

Panacea, as mentioned above, is the Greek goddess of healing

Water is the mother of the vine,

The nurse and fountain of fecundity,

The adorner and refresher of the world.

Charles Mackay

Panacea, as mentioned above, is the Greek goddess of healing. The same name was later given to the (imaginary) universal remedy that certainly does not exist and, much like perpetual motion, cannot exist in principle.

Nevertheless, many medicines were once believed to have very broad healing powers, especially during the periods of the initial enthusiasm about breakthroughs in pharmacology, say, the discovery of antibiotics followed by that of hormones.

The incredible early success of the revolutionary new drugs made people believe that humanity was about to invent a remedy for all ailments, old age, and even death. Time passed, however, the fervor subsided as the medical profession was left to face the harmful side effects, and humanity calmed down temporarily before embracing a new wonder drug.

The panacea discovered in times immemorial

Indeed, the new is the well-forgotten old. Imagine a remedy against vertigo and headache, common cold, sinusitis, and bronchitis that also alleviates high blood pressure and diabetes, improves sluggish bowel movements and urination, and heals joint inflammation and muscular cramps. Note that it has no side effects whatsoever save for a positive response from all organs and systems, an extended lifespan, and an overall better quality of life. No one would ever refuse to take this drug even if it were outrageously expensive (although a high price could have made it even more popular). Yet this drug is dirt cheap and requires neither a prescription nor a trip to the pharmacy. We are talking about good old water.

Why on Earth have not we ever heard about those miraculous properties of water, you would wonder. To be honest, I am puzzled. Indeed, if water is such a potent medicine known to all doctors, why hasn’t it gained universal recognition? Why do family doctors keep their patients ignorant of a drug that often brings relief even before the root cause of the disease is diagnosed? Why “water as a remedy” has not become a core part of academic curricula? Why do the sensation-hungry journalists not care? Why are so few books published on this topic? That is a lot of questions. I have to mention a book, however, that has already changed the attitude toward water in this country right before our eyes.

“Your Body's Many Cries for Water” by F. Batmanhelidj, M.D. reveals that numerous symptoms such as vertigo jumps in blood pressure, constipation, muscular pain, aching joints, and many others are often a disguised signal of thirst. The body asks for water in this indirect way because humans have learned how to ignore the regular signal. As many would say, “I don’t drink because I don’t want to, I just can’t. When I force myself, I feel sick!” Little wonder, since your body has already swerved onto the road leading to an arid desert where a host of bodily functions cannot be properly controlled. The lack of water causes unpleasant symptoms and even diseases that cannot be treated unless the proper water balance is restored.

Why water is a remedy

Does it ever happen that, as you rise from a chair you feel like the light around you dims for a second? The culprit is a momentary blood circulation hiccup in the brain, most often due to diminished blood flow or, in other words, latent dehydration. In this situation, the body usually launches defense mechanisms. These include vesicular spasms, an increased heart rate, or a release of angiotensin (a hormone that narrows the blood vessels to increase blood pressure) by the kidneys. Spasms and heart palpitations trigger headaches and chest pains. All these problems can be easily addressed. Just bring your water intake to the right level, i.e. an ounce of water per two pounds of body weight. If you do that, your arterial pressure would soon come back to normal, and even chronic hypertension would become more manageable using a much lower dose of drugs.

Gastritis, heartburn, and constipation are also commonly caused by dehydration. Forget about hundreds of medicines for these disorders. All you need is just a few sips of water taken at 15 to 20-minute intervals. Incredible as it may sound, this regimen can restore healthy stomach functions (including acidity), intestinal peristalsis, and regular bowel movements in a matter of a week or two. It is no miracle, though. The wetting of the stomach walls reduces undue secretion and its bad impact on the mucus in the intestines and the stomach itself. Moreover, a regular flow of matter from the stomach to the intestines supports and promotes bowel movements. The remedy so simple and evident ought to be used by everybody.

A Doctor's Notebook: Talking Medicine the Easy Way

A Doctor's Notebook: Talking Medicine the Easy Way



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